These markings started with a dream about a journey. The original impetus of the mark making was to connect with my heart after a loss. To put pen to paper was to go back to the roots of my craft. Each rhythmic tap as the ink was laid out felt as one uses a found stick on a hike, getting to know the grip, testing the ground, brushing the flora aside, and getting a handle on the footing on a rocky trail in an unknown landscape. 

This was how the dream felt, and the journey ended with me gazing at a spinning night sky that moved in ways that were too fast to decipher. There were stars, colors and symbols and a music to the churning vision. It stayed with me as I woke up. It’s still with me. 

I start by introducing myself to the paper with color, each drawing comes in a set of numbers, as in a waltz or a morse code. The only direction I have is to keep the rhythm and pay attention to how I feel as I draw. If I don’t feel present then it’s time to break from it. I always come back when I feel the connection to those stars in my dreams.

The movement of the marks tend to move across the composition like a communication of energy, searching and dancing through light. It’s a statement that nothing is still. We are all connecting and moving away from each other at the same time.